Commitment to GCG Implementation
As a public company, good corporate governance (GCG) has become an integral part of the Company’s work culture. With a constantly increasing need from year to year for a GCG system, structure, and implementation, the Company is committed to consistently implement, improve and strengthen GCG policies and practices in all aspects of the business, and have them aligned with rules and ethics applicable in the Company’s operational environment. Through consistent GCG implementation, the Company is able to manage and control various potential risks in the business. This will have a positive impact on increasing investor value and trust, as well as fulfilling obligations to stakeholders.
GCG Implementation Structure
In accordance with Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies, the corporate governance structure is outlined in the Company’s instruments, namely the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Commissioners, and Board of Directors. Each respective instrument has an important in the implementation of GCG as well as independently performing their functions, duties, and responsibilities in the interests of the Company. The duties performed by the Board of Commissioners are supported by the Audit Committee, whereas duties of the Board of Directors are mainly supported by the Corporate Secretary and Internal Audit.