Pursuant to the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 on Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies, the Company has appointed a Corporate Secretary responsible for maintaining good relationships with Shareholders, regulators, and all stakeholders. The Corporate Secretary is also responsible for assisting the President Director in ensuring consistent implementation of GCG.

Corporate Secretary Work Guidelines

The Corporate Secretary performs duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association and Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 on Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary

In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, are as follows: 

1. Follow developments of the capital market, especially laws and regulations applicable to the capital market;
2. Assist the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in implementing corporate governance which include information disclosure to the public;
3. As a liaison /contact person between the Company and the Financial Services Authority and Indonesia Stock Exchange;
4. Prepare and coordinate holding of the GMS and public exposure;
5. Manage company administration in relation to obligations to the government and private sectors; and
6. Provide information regarding matters of the Company, as stated in the Company Profile, to people who require it, in particular, prospective investors and Shareholders.

Corporate Secretary profile

The Company has appointed Sondy Ardy as Corporate Secretary, by virtue of Decree of the Board of Directors No. 1.038/IWI-JKT/SK-PD/III/2022 dated 21  March 2022. 

Corporate Secretary Duties Implementation

Throughout 2018, the Corporate Secretary has performed the communication and information disclosure function to stakeholders, including:

1. Follow developments of the capital market, especially laws and regulations applicable to the capital market;
2. Assist the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in implementing corporate governance which include information disclosure to the public;
3. Prepare and coordinate holding of the GMS and Public Exposure;
4. Carry out information disclosure to Financial Services Authority, Indonesia Stock Exchange, and Shareholders; as well as
5. Provide information regarding matters of the Company, as stated in the Company Profile, to people who require it, in particular, prospective investors and Shareholders.

Pursuant to the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 on Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies, the Company has appointed a Corporate Secretary responsible for maintaining good relationships with Shareholders, regulators, and all stakeholders. The Corporate Secretary is also responsible for assisting the President Director in ensuring consistent implementation of GCG.

Corporate Secretary Work Guidelines

The Corporate Secretary performs duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association and Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 on Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary

In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, are as follows: 

1. Follow developments of the capital market, especially laws and regulations applicable to the capital market;
2. Assist the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in implementing corporate governance which include information disclosure to the public;
3. As a liaison /contact person between the Company and the Financial Services Authority and Indonesia Stock Exchange;
4. Prepare and coordinate holding of the GMS and public exposure;
5. Manage company administration in relation to obligations to the government and private sectors; and
6. Provide information regarding matters of the Company, as stated in the Company Profile, to people who require it, in particular, prospective investors and Shareholders.

Corporate Secretary profile

The Company has appointed Enrico Mosquera Djakman as Corporate Secretary, by virtue of Decree of the Board of Directors dated 14 August 2017. The complete profile of the Corporate Secretary is presented in the Company Profile chapter of this Annual Report.

Corporate Secretary Duties Implementation

Throughout 2018, the Corporate Secretary has performed the communication and information disclosure function to stakeholders, including:

1. Follow developments of the capital market, especially laws and regulations applicable to the capital market;
2. Assist the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners in implementing corporate governance which include information disclosure to the public;
3. Prepare and coordinate holding of the GMS and Public Exposure;
4. Carry out information disclosure to Financial Services Authority, Indonesia Stock Exchange, and Shareholders; as well as
5. Provide information regarding matters of the Company, as stated in the Company Profile, to people who require it, in particular, prospective investors and Shareholders.